About Me (And The Journey)


I’m Dominic, and I created Multilingual Journey to share my passion for languages.

So how do we begin?

I think I’ll start by telling the story of my languages, introducing some terminologies along the way.

Target Language #1: Korean 🇰🇷

My first target language is Korean, which I discovered way back in 2011.

And because it’s my first time to experience language learning at that time, I wasn’t sure what I was doing.

Korean, being a tough language that it is, has caused me so much hardships even to this day.

However, it served as a “catalyst” towards figuring out the best way to learn a language. I could simply rinse and repeat towards new languages I will learn.

Target Language #2: Spanish 🇪🇦

In 2024, I began to immerse in Spanish. My primary tool was Dreaming Spanish, which is a website filled with comprehensible input (CI) videos.

The great thing about Spanish being my second target language is that it was the recipient of my language learning study from Korean. I got to optimize towards CI content and prioritized it over grammar or vocabulary study.

Not to mention, there are a ton of resources for Spanish because it’s so popular these days.

Language Learning Has Never Been This Easier

Any language takes time to learn.

But my strategy is simple – when you consume enough comprehensible input, you’ll make tremendous progress.

In fact, comprehensible input serves as the “base” with which you can build your language skills on top. Skills such as:

  • Reading
  • Listening
  • Writing
  • Speaking

The challenge is in developing and strengthening this base, which takes a lot of time and effort.

That’s why I advocate for “having fun” with the process, which has never been easier thanks to technology and the Internet.

How This Website Can Help

If Multilingual Journey can add one more day to keep you in your language learning journey, then to me that is already a success (hence the name).

But of course, I want it to help you stay longer into the game. And the key is in balancing effectiveness in learning with fun.

My objective then is to constantly share knowledge that align with comprehensible input. Along with that are tools and resources that utilize this concept. The Internet is filled with amazing resources, so I’m going to help by pulling them together in here.

For now, here’s the link to my blog posts and see if there are topics worth checking out.